Tournament Rules - PDF
- Hockey Canada and Hockey Eastern Ontario regulations shall apply to all teams. This is an HEO sanctioned tournament therefore all HEO rules, regulations, and code of discipline shall apply to all games. This is a non-body contact tournament.
- The Tournament Co-ordinator or the designated representative shall have complete authority with respect to the interpretation and/or application of the Tournament Rules and Regulations.
- All decisions of the Tournament Co-ordinator or the designated representative shall be considered final and binding on all parties. No appeals or protests will be permitted.
- This tournament is for regular House League players only.
- The tournament will be comprised of eight (8) teams with each team guaranteed two games. Teams that win their first game will advance to the “A” side of the draw, while teams losing their first game will go to the “B” side.
- The ice surface shall be flooded prior to each game.
- Protective equipment must be worn at all times. Neck guards are mandatory for all players.
- Teams must report at least thirty (30) minutes prior to scheduled game time. Before each game, the team Coach or Manager must sign the game sheet verifying the team roster. Game sheets will be completed by the tournament committee.
- Teams must be prepared to start the games ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Any team late for a game will lose by default.
- Referees, officials, and timekeepers will be assigned by the Eganville District Minor Hockey Association. All decisions made by the referees and officials will be final.
- Teams are required to be out of the dressing rooms twenty (20) minutes after the game. Please be efficient in vacating the room as there will be a team waiting to use it. Please leave the dressing room clean for the next team.
- Dressing room #2 is always reserved for female players.
- A player receiving any three minor penalties during a game will be subject to a Game Ejection. This is a UOVMHL rule and is in addition to Hockey Canada Rule 4.8(b) where a Game Ejection is issued for three head contact or three stick infraction penalties. The purpose of this rule is to keep the game safe and enjoyable.
Any player issued a Fighting penalty will be removed from the remainder of the tournament.
- All games will consist of three, 10 minute stop time periods and include a 2 minute warm up.
- If at any time during the third period one team is ahead by five (5) goals or more, the clock will be put on running time. If at such time the goal differential is reduced to less than five (5) goals the clock will revert to stop time.
- Minor penalties shall be two (2) minutes in length (3 minutes running time). Major penalties shall be five (5) minutes in length (7 minutes running time).
- If during running time a penalty is assessed, the clock shall be stopped, and the penalty time displayed. At the next drop of the puck the clock shall start and continue running time. In this situation if a stoppage in a play occurs and a team is apparently delaying the start of play to run down the penalty time (for example, by conducting a slow line change), a bench minor penalty for Delay of Game will be issued.
- No time outs are permitted in any regular game. One 30 second time out will be permitted to each team in a Championship final game.
- In the event of a tie at the end of regulation time, the following order will be used to determine the winner:
i. Overtime period, five (5) minutes stop time, 3 on 3 sudden victory. No team shall play with less than three players. In the event of a penalty the non-penalized team will add one skater and the penalized team shall add one player with the penalized player in the penalty box. Play will resume 4 on 3. The penalized player may return to the ice upon completion of the penalty and play will return to 3 on 3 at the first stoppage after the penalty has expired.
ii. Shootout, three player sudden victory.
A player from each team will make a shootout attempt at the same time, for three rounds. If still tied after three shooters, the winner will be decided when one team scores and the other does not in the same round. No player may shoot a second time until all players have shot.
There will be absolutely zero tolerance for any abusive or disrespectful behaviour towards on or off ice officials, especially youth officials wearing green arm bands.
The tournament convener or designate may at any time direct any bench staff or spectator to be removed from the game and arena, regardless of an on-ice official’s decision. Failure to leave when directed will follow Rule 10.8 - Refusing to Start Play.
The Eganville District Minor Hockey Association and the Tournament Convenor do not accept any responsibilities for theft, damage, accidents or injury to participants, spectators, equipment, personal belongings etc. during the full period of the tournament.